Saturday 23 March 2019

Book cover research

  • I made a trip to Waterstones to get some first hand inspiration from book cover collections
  • Collections of books are extremely popular as it encourages the reader to buy the full collection - becoming collectables
  • A lot of the books I saw had very limited colour palette which of course suited my design aesthetic. Either that or each book was one singular colour
  • Seeing the books on the shelf together creates such a visual statement and is what really attracts the audience.
  • It would be interesting to create some kind of sequence perhaps? so when each book is placed next to each other they somehow link together.  

Sunday 10 March 2019

Mass art collaboration

  • Collaborating with graphic designers and illustrators from the US 
  • Created a zine about Leeds
  • Our concept was based around this juxtaposition between the expensive looking buildings Leeds has (Victoria Gate and John Lewis) and the more commercial 'cheap' shops which are placed literally next door.
  • This prompted the name of the zine to be 'Poundland to Pandora' - the two shops face each other through the luxury Grand Arcade.
  • Working to a quick deadline was most suited to me as I work a lot more efficiently and get a lot of work done
  • I learnt the whole process of making a zine
  • I created the illustrations from the photographs, adding yellow and blue to represent the old/new classy/not so classy
  • Collaboration is a key skill to gain especially in the creative industry - its also a really great way of learning new things about yourself and techniques in which you can apply to your own practice