Friday 25 January 2019

Wedding invites

  • Really enjoyed painting again! Painting flowers is something I haven't done is so many years but it was a really nice break from working so digitally.
  • I decided to use the flowers which will be used for the wedding
  • I also decided to make my own type as this is something I have previous experience in doing
  • I think the overall design is very successful and screams sophistication which is something I really wanted to convey
  • Second time working for a client and it was actually really good, she had no issues with it at all so everything went very smoothly

Thursday 24 January 2019

Norwegian Wood experiments

  • I really admire Haruki Murakami's writing style and the beautiful imagery he creates through his incredibly descriptive analysis of very mundane things.
  • There seemed to be a lot of replication of themes and motifs throughout the book which I thought I could use to my advantage, for example, music, love and death. I thought red would be a great colour to represent both love and death and of course Japanese culture.
  • Red birds and the guitar were heavily mentioned throughout the book so I thought this would be a great idea to incorporate in the design
  • I also experimented with the concept of 'Norwegian Wood' being a song by The Beatles and played around with the classic Abbey Road album cover and them walking over a zebra crossing.
  • There were just so many scenes within the book which I wanted to illustrate but I needed to find some restraint and MOVE ON.
  • I think I am spending too much time on this book and trying to illustrate all the designs in my head.

Saturday 19 January 2019

Refelction #2

Over the Christmas break I was trying to plan my up and coming months and trying to  figure out possible briefs I could take part in. I was commissioned to design some wedding invitations which I thought would be a nice little side project. The invitations actually took longer than expected as my client wanted a very traditional approach, one which included watercolour paintings of flowers (something i haven't done in like 4 years) so it was something I need to adapt to fairly quickly. I definitely enjoyed the analogue approach however, it was a nice bit of fresh air as I have been working so digitally recently.

I have also made a start on the 'Norwegian Wood' brief for the Penguin competition. I especially enjoyed reading this book as there was so many themes and motifs that ran throughout, making it fairly easy to create imagery from. Haruki Murakami's writing style is something that resonated so well with me - it flowed so nicely and he has such a beautiful way of describing mundane things. I was very much hooked, unaware that I was speeding through the book. This prompted a change in my approach however, as I realised I was spending so much time reading the book and not enough time actually creating the imagery. In my crits I found out that book designers don't actually read the whole books as they simply do not have the time. They read the blurb to get a real sense of the story and tone of voice which I guess is the most important thing.

I was feeling a little lost in terms of future briefs and whether or not I should do a big final major project brief so this Tutorial came at a very good time.


  • If I want to go into publishing then I need to start actually designing book covers frequently - making a portfolio of book cover designs to show the client/employer this is what I do.
  • Think about Product Range and Distribution
  • Think about how the book can look online and in retail
  • The physical nature of the book? the paper used? if it's a limited addition version 
  • Think about creating 3 sets of books? A collection of books by Murakami for example 

Going forward

This was an incredibly helpful crit as it gave me clear direction for the future. Me and Fred made and agreement for me to finish my current briefs and the propose 3 further projects thinking about sets of books and possible collections. I need to start thinking about the types of books i'd like to design and for what audience? Could I explore one author and design a series of books by that specific author or perhaps design 3 sets of books each with different authors.