Friday 1 December 2017

Reflective report - printed pictures

What have I been doing?

I have established that lino print isn't successful enough to be considered for a final print. My designs are very simple and I feel like lino is for more complex designs with more line work.
Screen print is also something I have drifted away from, purely because of the crisp, precise compositions in the outcomes - something I don't want reflected in my outcomes.
Mono print not only conveys that gritty, dirty texture, but there is something really interesting about the unplanned and unpredictable nature of the outcome. Through experimenting, I have discovered some really interesting 'mistakes' which have contributed to the success of the composition. 

I have been spending a lot of time in the print room, experimenting, playing and testing.

What is working?

My colour palette of black and blue - very striking and the blue reflects the poignant emotion.
The simple imagery opens up various interpretations for the viewer - allowing them to relate in some way or another.
The texture the mono printing press is giving to the design adds that extra edge and gives it a greater level of sentiment. 
The texture of my paper also adds to this effect.
My designs cohesively work well as a series.
My concepts reflect my author's beliefs and themes from the books in more of a subtle way

What needs improving?

The paper I am using for my stencils is far too thick, therefore the ink is struggling to get through the smaller cut outs.
The printing press's pressure is too much and actually creasing my prints.
My stencils (A3) are perhaps too large and I need to reduce the size to A4.
Some of my prints are a little too messy and perhaps need to scan them in and clean them up a bit on Photoshop.

One to One tutorial feedback:

One of my designs (the space ship one) I have a 'space ship' with intentions of morphing it into a blue eye. My tutor told me it doesn't look anything like an eye so this was something I needed to adjust. 
For my 5th design I was struggling to come up with something. My tutor suggested that my theme seems to be repetitions of themes, for example the eye, the people, the hands - so why don't I choose something else to repeat. 


A mouth engulfing a figure (Sethe from Beloved) with hands coming out from the teeth.

Blue eye at the back of the mouth

Repetition of hands grabbing a figure

What am I going to do? Actions?

Design my 5th design and re do all my stencils but in A4 print so my prints don't crease. 

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