Saturday 14 October 2017

Study Task 3 - Print process illustrators

Image result for hedof screen print

Rick Berkelman (Hedof)

Uses screen printing. Scans everyday objects like bread, water etc. Also does some street art. Works in his studio for commercial art. Exhibiting his work made him famous on an international level.

Image result for shepard fairey

Shepard Fairey 

Screen printing and hand-made stencils. He does a lot of street art. Limited colour palette (red black and gold) Makes a few 4 layered stencils.

Image result for iain mcintosh illustrator
Iain McIntosh

Uses both traditional and digital techniques. Creates logos and line illustrations. Wood and Lino. Doesn't just stick to one type of illustration but likes to create numerous different type of illustrations (editorial, book jacket designs)

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