Monday 14 November 2016


At the beginning of the module, I started with minimal work in terms of development, but now I feel there is no end to creating pieces of art work, and the more generated, the more successful my final outcomes will be.

Using blog for the first time was very useful to me. I liked seeing my work posted online and felt I could be more organized with the posts and layout as opposed to a separate hand written critical journal.

Without having inductions for anything yet I wasn’t able to use facilities such as screen printing which would have worked quite well for some of my projects. I learnt a lot about layout, particularly with the ‘Illumination’ project – I enjoyed playing around with the same design but from different viewpoints. I think I’m lucky in having fairly strong ideas from the beginnings of my projects.

I am happy with all my outcomes but particularly the poster design. I enjoyed the project because I loved all the possible variations of design I created for it, which turned out being so useful in the process of creating 24 drawings. One session I particularly enjoyed was when we were given a word and had to visually communicate the word in as many ways as possible – this really opened up my creative mind and enabled me to generate a range of ideas. The small grids we had to work in also added to the success.

I found group crits extremely useful as they gave me alternative ideas and people pin pointed their favourite designs. It’s good to have an outsider’s perspective.

I learnt a lot throughout – I learnt it was ok to do rough sketches and be proud during the development stages. Maybe with some of my projects like the first one, I could’ve experimented with more techniques and materials. With the ‘Illumination’ project, I could have generated a broader range of ideas throughout my book. Also, at the beginning with the blogging, instead of describing what I was doing, more critical analysis was needed and more questions to ask myself. This is something I improved on as the module progressed.

For future projects, I aim to blog a little every time I hit a problem or am inspired by something which informs my practice. I will also talk in more of an analytical, reflecting way asking myself questions. I also want to start using the facilities LCA has to offer to broaden my experimentation skills.

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