Wednesday 9 November 2016

Idea development

 I started to create a series of rough drawings from my article.


This illustration is a more enjoyable way of making a cup of tea. Instead of the normal mundane routine, I have created a game-like composition with the objective to throw the tea bag into a selected mug, from behind the line - different sized mugs show different points you can score with. The larger mug carries the least amount of points because its the biggest therefore easiest. I used simple line drawings to clearly show what I aim to communicate. I didn't want to show an obvious representation as I feel that would take away a sense of interest from the illustration. I wanted to use a bright colour to really draw the viewer to that specific area, creating a focal point. I think the yellow works really effectively against the black line work, intensifying the message I want to communicate. The line work reminds me of David Shrigley's work an artist who definitely inspires me. 

I now aim to look at alternative perspectives and angles for my illustration. Play around with each of the three layout requirement sizes, seeing which one is most appropriate. 

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