Friday 20 January 2017

Scanning in

I scanned in some of my paintings into Photoshop and experimented with adding text. I think it is much more effective to have online text rather than analogue (cut out bits of collage used as text) because i want there to be clear contrast between the image and the text. All in all I think this is a very effective inside page. The cohesive flow of images from one page to the other works really well and the colours of the texts relate well to the image. I like how some of the letters are bigger than others creating a more interesting composition and making your eyes move around the page, maintaining that sense of excitement. The negative space makes the image less complex and therefore more powerful and significant. So in terms of my book, I want the front cover to have the image of the whole pineapple and then the inside pages to have zoomed in aspects of a pineapple.

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