Tuesday 3 January 2017

What is healthy food?

So I started to look at healthy and unhealthy food and did some research into what foods are classed as healthy. Fruit and vegetables were the key words which came up throughout my research. I decided to create some striking illustrations, conveying a sense of healthy eating as a substitute for unhealthy eating. So I used a well known unhealthy food source and substituted it with fruit.

McDonald's made healthy. The bright colours make the illustration seem more healthy and appetising.

Full English breakfast made more healthy with fruit and veg used instead of the classic high in fat breakfast.

An Ice cream made more healthy. 

A Hamburger made more healthy. Pineapple used as a substitute for bread.

Thoughts: I intended to create illustrations of classic unhealthy foods made more healthy by substituting the healthy parts with fruit and vegetables, Something which I think works so well with these designs are the bright colours which add so well to the healthiness. I think the images are very striking and makes people really question what is happening. 

Group crit: After having a group crit about my project, It was clear that i am creating too final-like pieces of art and need to experiment more, using rough sketches as a form of research. 

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