Friday 17 February 2017

3D Lens Gif experimenting

For my next gif, I have an intention of dressing up as my gif and become the character. I wanted to create a completely different perspective and interpretation of my initial character. This also allows me to play around with the craft of the outfit. I also intend to create a 3D model of my character and create a little stop motion animation.

I decided to go to some charity shops and look for some light turquoise /teal colour shorts and t shirt. I was also thinking I could perhaps paint my body with the same colour as the character, but I have done this already before with my other module. I also wanted to get some orange wellies but realised I am on a budget so decided to look for some orange knee high socks instead as a substitute. 
For the orange eyes I aim to paint some sunglasses orange. All I need now is an orange hat.

I couldn't seem to find orange socks anywhere so started to be an art student and cut out some cardboard cutouts of boots and painted them orange. I also couldn't get an orange had so I painted a green hat which I found. I think this evident casual analogue style adds quite well to the overall character as like I said, gives it an alternative perspective to the nice and neat, well refined digital gif.
For the green I managed to find some nice shorts and a t shirt.

This is me dressed up as the character. I actually think the cardboard boots work really well - the inclusion of something analogue gives a nice contrast to the figure. The colours compliment each other so well, especially the orange background - corresponding well with the limited colour palette character. I also think it looks quite surreal and game-like, which relates to my initial song so well as my intial thoughts when listening to it were retro game. This image looks a bit like the character is inside a game.

I experimented with different backgrounds - the white brings closer attention to the character itself. It also gives more of a professional touch. I think when there is some movement it would look more refined and detailed with a white background. I could always create a gif where the movement is one colour and the reverse is the other? Or could I experiment with flicking between the two colours alternating?

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