Thursday 9 February 2017

Thinking about Gifs

I started to think how i was going to create a gif out of my character. I wanted to stick with the idea of it jumping in a puddle, with the water splashing, as the simplicity works really well and the cuteness of the character corresponds really well with the action. These were created using bits of collage, cut out coloured paper. I might start to add a few details for my final gif, perhaps using a line instead of a circle for the eye to symbolise the character shutting its eyes with excitement. Maybe i could add a mouth wide open to also represent the characters excitement of landing in the puddle. I don't however want to over complicate the design, and maybe by adding some texture in the body would do this? Collage as a medium is something I have definitely warmed to. I love the idea of simplifying complex images into just geometric shapes, broken up. I will start to scan these in and create some digital gifs.

Gif Analysis

This artist Elsa Amelia has created a series of animal gifs using only 13 circles. I really like how simple it is to create a character and this is something i have been trying to achieve throughout my project, just by using simple geometric shapes. She has used multiple sized circles and overlapped them to create alternative shapes. I think the limited colour palette adds to the success.

This gif by Milo Targett made by analogue techniques (simple pen drawing). It's interesting how the shadow correspond really well with the movement of the figure. I like how the hands and feet are a fixed position and everything else is moving, creating some structure, Because of the shadow and the enlarged parts of the gif at certain points, it gives the gif a 3D effect. The figure looks as though they are dancing around a pole. The flexibility and fluidity relates quite well to my ideas and the simplicity is something i find very appealing.

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