Sunday 19 February 2017

Stop motion animation extension

I created the fish using some expressive brush strokes using blue and yellow acrylic paint. I then cut out the paper in shapes of fish and placed them around my character. I moved the fish ever so slightly from left to right so each frame the fish would be in a different position and create a sense of movement. My difficulty with this was keeping the character in the exact same position in each photograph, as it is pretty much impossible without a tripod. 

I think this idea is quite successful. Not moving the character itself but the background to create some kind of context. It is a shame that the character is not symmetrical and appears slightly wonky. I quite like the contrast between the pure simple block colours and the more expressive combinations of colours present in the fish. For my analogue gif I could potentially extend this idea further and create a game like gif? Like super mario brothers or doodle jump?

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