Wednesday 22 February 2017

Idea sketching and development

Here are just some rough ideas and starting points. Because most of her songs are titled 'Queen Speech' I felt it was very necessary to include the word queen in my design. I also wanted to use the visuals of brushing your teeth as one of her more famous songs is about brushing your teeth. 
Anyway I decided to think outside the box with this one and came up with an interesting idea of morphing Leshurr into the queen on a playing card. instead of wearing a crown she is wearing her infamous snap back with her logo on it. I decided to add a speech bubble with some of her infamous, iconic lyrics. In terms of composition I felt like this could work quite well being a portrait screen print and all. Also only using black and red (the colours of the queen of diamonds) would work well as a screen print - also both colours symbolising power and significance you could suggest. 

Here is a larger version of my idea. I quite like the concept but feel visually it doesn't quite work. I found it particularly difficult to draw the side of her face as there weren't any pictures on the internet that i could reference. I don't think it's a very striking image and and I feel it's quite hard to work out what is going on - I don't think it is very representational of Lady Leshurr. I wanted to play it simple and striking, two words I aim to consider. I want to go back to drawing the face but perhaps simplifying it down into basic shapes and colours, stamping my own style on it. 

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