Friday 10 February 2017

Digital Gif final ideas

For my final creation I drew out 5 different frames in pencil, using some tracing paper so they were all composed as close to the same position as possible. I then scanned them into Photoshop and colour filled them in. 

My last gif i created was only two frames (the first frame and the last frame) so there was a evident glitch and not really a free flowing structure. This is why I decided to add an extra 3 frames and as you can see, the result is much more successful. The gif is much more smooth and each frame connects really well with one another. There is still a glitch when it hits the last frame and then goes back to the first frame. This is something I will try to resolve by copying and pasting the frames to enable the gif to go back on itself so it ends with the frame it started with.

So this is the gif without a glitch. As you can see it is even more of a smooth transition. I decided that the middle frame (the one where the character is closing its eyes) should be longer as I wanted to get the message across that when you jump in a puddle you kind of stop to realise what actually happened and the shock of being soaked slowly starts to sink in. All the other frames are poised at 0.1 and the middle frame is 0.5 seconds. After careful consideration, I feel perhaps the pause is slightly too long as the whole idea about gifs is the continuity and smooth transition from frame to frame. I still want there to be a slightly longer time for the middle one but maybe not quite as long.

For this gif, I decided to change the time for the middle frame to 0.2 seconds instead of 0.5. There is a subtle pause evident but not too much to lose that continuity within the gif.  I think it works really well so I will use it for my final.

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