Wednesday 8 February 2017

Character experimentation

What i find really interesting about this design is how it immediately becomes more sinister and spooky. My use of quite uncomfortable line work creates quite an eerie atmosphere and the fact there is no face gives that real sense of unknown. I really like the texture, but feel like this character is much more successful with bright colours and simple block shapes.   

I started to move onto contrasting colours and introduce some texture in the orange. I think this works so successfully. The contrast between the solid blue colour and the textured orange creates a sense of depth. Maybe if the blue was slightly lighter, it would create more of an impact as the orange needs to be darker for the blue to look like it's coming forward. 

Experimenting with different collage materials like newspaper and starting to introduce objects with the 'gif'' in mind later on in the project. My ideas were to have the character lifting up the weight and back down again. I think the newspaper works really well creating a really interesting subjective mood. You could suggest the old fashioned look gives it an eerie mysterious look, standing quite emotionless - hard to read which is ironic i guess. But then again you could also suggest that the big eyes and cuddly, soft bear look gives it that real sense of cuteness and likeability. 

I could begin to take aspects of this character and create another one . Perhaps smaller and start to develop it further? 

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