Monday 20 March 2017


This module has taught me a lot about creating imagery through different medias. It has allowed me to engage in various ways of creating imagery from shape and texture to line quality.
The shape and texture task was probably most useful to me as it really allowed for experimentation with the simplification of more complex images using simple cut outs of paper. This is a concept that has really inspired me and I have tried to use it in my other modules where possible. I enjoyed using different variations of mark making using both large brushes and smaller ones to create line work. I feel like the combination of thick and thin lines creates an interesting piece of work. I have learnt the various ways of creating depth through tone, line and colour.

I found the session in which I had to memorise a photograph for 2 minutes and the draw it from my memory was very useful and I feel like it made me a better image maker. It was interesting to see the development of the drawing and how it became more refined. I also really liked the fruit task where we had to use simple shapes to represent a fruit. It allowed me to be very abstract and really focus on the fruit, taking important aspects from it. With the texture and shape task, I decided to really experiment with texture and put all my focus on using a range of media and materials which turned into quite a mess. This was because I completely forgot about shape and structure of the image which let me down in the end. I went away and learnt from this to create a portrait of myself with a sole focus on shape and colour – this was a much more successful piece.

The screen print task I found particularly difficult. I couldn’t seem to think of something which would work as a screen print and have interesting imagery. I also don’t think I invested as much time and effort in thinking about composition etc and feel if I were to do it again I would consider background and fitting everything into a frame.

I looked at artists from the power point presentations and that gave me some inspiration and help in the process of making images. It was interesting looking at other shape driven artists to help me make sense of simple but effective imagery.

One of the main things I have improved on throughout this module is my observational skills and the sense of freedom I have now when drawing something from life. I used to be so closed and concerned about not producing a perfectly illustrated drawing. This module has allowed me to come to the realization that it is ok to produce bad drawings at the beginning and more often than not the ‘bad’ drawings turn out to be the most interesting.

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