Sunday 5 March 2017

Sticker development

The black background gives the sticker more of a sense of class and sophistication. I like how the black figures correspond well with the background. Also this makes the lighter colours stand out because of the high contrast, as well as the heart as a whole. I started to look at ways i can show the beating heart and used lines coming out of the heart to also increase the importance of the heart and draw your eyes towards the heart with the lines used as points. I think maybe the lines need to be thicker and brighter for them to have more of an impact. It also looks a bit like the heart is about to explode with light coming out of it. 

With this experiment I decided to fill the lines to make them more prominent and therefore more important. I do however feel like it is overshadowing the main focal point it doesn't correspond that well with the heart, looking like it has just been stuck in the middle on top of the lines. The lines don't give the impression of a beating heart and the heart is too big in the centre and needs to be reduced considerably. I also think there is too much yellow creating a dis balance.

I have reduced the the size of the heart which looks a lot better allowing the surrounding negative space to give greater importance to the heart. I decided to reduce the amount of yellow by choosing white lines instead. I think it is slightly better but there is no correspondence with the heart and again just looks like it has been stuck on top with no connection. Maybe I could start to thibk about alternative ways of representing a beating heart.

I decided to incorporate the beating monitor lines but in slightly different way. I decided to draw around the heart giving off a real sense of active performance. I think visually it is really effective but conceptually doesn't quite work because I think the sharp lines represent a sense of stress coming out of the heart. I also get musical vibes and perhaps this could be a front cover of an album? I do want to incorporate the lines somehow in my sticker because I think they reflect the healthy heart beat quite well, I just need to find an appropriate place. I also need to think about my font and here the text will go, i don't want to over complicate the design, after all it is only a small sticker. 

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