Monday 13 March 2017

More Ideas

I came up with the idea of drawing Maya as a child surrounded by a cage. The musical symbols show her singing the words freedom. This is my interpretation of the poem. The colours of the music notes work really well against the black, perhaps if the words were closer together? The jumbled effect is good in terms of how it reflects her struggling to get her words across due to the idea of her being trapped and confined in a small area. But its slightly hard to read, and freedom is supposed to represent strength so with the letters being flipped and rotated, reflects a sense of weakness. I also think the drawing of maya needs to be more refined without the pencil marks - she doesn't look as powerful.

I used lines coming out of her mouth to help me with the letters of freedom being closer together. I think this is a much more successful attempt and it works much better with the the musical notes jumbled up surrounding the font. The darker outline of Maya makes her more prominent. I can see this design looking very interesting as a screen print with the coloured musical noted being split into separate negatives for each separate colour.

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