Saturday 25 March 2017

Further experimenting

I scanned my favourite mono print into Photoshop and played around with manipulating it. The layered images look really effective and convey the idea of movement quite well - the movement of the cage portraying the idea of determination of breaking free from the cage. I think maybe where I have used a lot of layering, the image starts to become a bit too complex and hard to read. I started to add the hands but I did so in more of a subtle way by altering the opacity so it doesn't become the main focal point. What I quite like about this idea is the fact that Maya is hidden behind the music - her voice is the main focal point and her hands are just a shadow. I feel like the shapes themselves portray a real sense of movement because of the direction in which they are going. I need to start thinking about compositional ideas and what I plan on using fro my final outcomes. 

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