Monday 6 March 2017

Study Task 3 - 'Persons of note'

Synecdoche exercise 

 For this little exercise I started to think about what synecdoche really is. It is a small part of something huge which symbolises the whole thing. This may be characterised by certain features of someone that stick out. For examples someone with big ears may adopt the nickname of 'dumbo'.
I started to think of some people I know who have nicknames because of physical features which stand out. 

People call me elfie because I am tall, slim and have fairly prominent pointy ish ears which stick out. I started to do some sketches to accentuate my elf characteristics.

I played around with having a long silhouette stick man with these little ears that stick out. 
Another idea I came up with was the nickname 'curly' for someone with extremely curly hair. I thought this would be really interesting to visually communicate and accentuate the hair. More focus on the media used to create some really interesting line work and texture.

 I started to play around with composition. I wanted to have the face as minimal as possible because obviously the main focal point was the hair. I like the idea of having the words mixed up within the hair itself to add to that chaotic messy 'curly' style. I was thinking maybe i could have a silhouette and then multiple line colours representing each hair coming out into the negative space to really accentuate the curls.

Here is my final; illustrated painting. I think it works really successfully with clear emphasis on the hair not only because the way in which I have composed the image but the contrast between the black and colour gives greater focus on the hair. I like how the letters correspond with the silhouette.

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