Thursday 16 March 2017


My tutorial was extremely useful. It made me realise that I could perhaps go beyond the representational and literal 'cage'. Instead of drawing a cage over Maya's head, I could perhaps change the composition completely and zoom in so the bars are the main focal point. I need to work out how you visually describe a cage. What is a cage? Could a cage be metaphorical?

 I had another idea which would allow the strong words of 'violence', 'action', 'difficulty' come into play. Drawing Maya  forcing her way out of the cage by using all her power and force to break the cage. This could be created with strong dramatic lighting to emphasise the mood. 

I also want to move away from the idea of drawing Maya's face. This after all is not a portrait project and I don't really want to include her facial features, instead want to create something to represent her. I could perhaps use silhouettes or simply focus on a specific aspect of her body. I aim to experiment with further materials and use mono printing to really push these visuals as far as they can go! 

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